Safety device accessories
Safety device accessories are complementary support components that allow the installation of the safety devices on a line / equipment to be protected from overpressure. Among these are standard fittings, shut-off valves, and switching valves.
Standard fittings allow assembly of some of the safety valves, the bursting discs, the shut-off valves and the switching valves near the equipment under pressure in the system. Standard fittings can be assembled with two methods: creating of a copper branch tube that connects the pressurized equipment to the fitting or making a hole in the inlet/outlet piping near the pressurized equipment.
Shut-off valves are supplied with the ball in the open position and the protective cap-nut on the handle has a lead seal to the body. Any action to close the valve, which requires tampering with the seal, must only be performed by personnel authorized to work on the system, by a state inspector responsible for reopening the valve and applying a new personal lead seal.
The switching valves act as a service tap for a pair of safety valves, guaranteeing the use of one and the isolation of the other. In this manner, the user can work on the isolated valve to perform periodic inspection or replacement, while the line is fully operative and the safety system is integral.